- Give and Give - I really believe this is what marriage is about. Not about give and take, but about give and give. If I always give, and she always gives, then we will never have to worry about taking...does that make sense?
- Confession - Whether I am sneaking around and eating the no-no late night snacks or sleeping in and not working out, I must confess all to my wife. Thus, she will never have room for doubt in my character.
- Accountability - Who is keeping me accountable? I need to allow especially my wife to speak into my life to help mold me and shape me. This leads into the next one.
- Growth - You can never stop growing as a husband. You always have to be reassessing how you are doing and what you can do better in your marriage.
- Work - Marriage is work. Wow! I wish I had a better handle on this before, but the emotion wears off and what is left is a choice. Am I going to love her or not? It is a choice. A choice that has to be made every day when you wake up to love, and serve, and give.
- Love - I really do love Shannon more and more everyday. That is what it is about at the end of the day. I love our differences and our similarities.
I could keep going, but those are just some of my thoughts as I reflect. What are your thoughts? Any ones you would add? Take away?