Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Still here!

Well today is Wednesday and we are still at the hospital. Halle is great, she's a little jaundiced, so they're watching that and still helping me feed her. I feel the best I've felt yet, so that is an answer to prayer! I have been up and around a lot. Halle had her first photo shoot with the photographer this morning. She was so cute- I swear she's the cutest baby!! She melts my heart. She is so cute with her eyes open, very alert and looking around. Brian is amazing with her. It's been so neat to see him step in and help and be eager to do the dad stuff. He has already changed many diapers and is very good at it. He is the best care taker ever! Here are some updated pics and you can go to www. to see her professional pics under baby pics at the nursery link. She's so precious!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New News on Halle Anne

Here is the latest for ya' has been going pretty well...everyone eventually left last night about 9pm and so for the first time, just the 3 Bradfords were together! Pretty cool...and a huge praise that my parents (Rev. C. V. and Dee Bradford) made it here yesterday at around 6pm! Impressive for a 900+ mile trip in less than 2, the challenge yesterday was trying to get her to breastfeed...I never dreamed it would be a challenge to start the baby eating in that way! Finally this morning it has started to come easier and Halle is taking to it a little better now...Keep praying for rest though as they wake Shan up every 2 hours or so to feed, thus keeping her quite tired.
Also, it has been such a blessing to have our church family here care for us...College Wesleyan has been so amazing at doing just that...loving on us!
Oh and I was able to sleep some last night here in the hospital room on a roll out single bed, so at least now we are coming to rest a little, which is a much needed change. Lastly, the nurse said the goal today is to get the magnesium drip, IV, and catheter out, so yay! Making Progress...but thanks again for praying! We will keep you all posted!

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Girl is Here!

Halle Anne Bradford entered the world today at 6:40am weighing in at 8lbs 6oz. and measuring almost 21 inches long with a 14 inch head! The head was the main reason she was delivered by C-Section after 16+ hours of labor with 2 hours of hard labor! Since I have only had 15 minutes sleep within the last 27 hours, I hope this post makes sense. I have never had so many emotions run through me in my life and been so frazzled. But all is well right now as I look out in our hospital room. 3 generations of girls are all sleeping...Grandmother Gervel, Mom Bradford, and 1 day old baby girl Bradford! Pretty Cool. Well here are the pics we have so far. Keep praying all goes well and my wife recovers from the surgery!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Waiting Game

I hate just waiting! I want to know what is going to happen before it happens. But that is not the case when you are waiting for your wife to deliver your first child! We are sitting in Marion General Hospital right now and have been here since 1pm. We bolted out of church this morning right in the middle of Pastor's Steve message. Sorry Steve! Shan was having blurred vision and seeing spots, so we decided to head home. Pretty Crazy! We went home and called the doctor, and he said to come on to the hospital. While in a hospital room, we still thought we would be going home soon because she was just having a headache, dizzy, and blurry vision, thus just thinking her blood pressure was too high. Long story short, we are still here and it is midnight. Dr. Swan decided to induce her and thus broke her water at 2pm. She is about 6cm dialated right now, so we are just waiting for 10 cm. Anyway here are some pics of what we have now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

More Birthday Pics

Birthday Bash 2007

Here is the skinny on my 29th. We went to Logan's and ate dinner, then on to PinHeads Lanes in Noblesville, IN for bowling fun. John Freed was able to work it out so that we could get the amazing suite in the back. I would highly recommend this bowling suite if you ever get the chance. All said, it was a tremendously fun night. Here are all who attended.

Jason and Mischele Denniston

Mike and Kristen Hofer

Bob and Brenda Simpson

Tony Cole

Paul Cole

Kenny Wilson

John and Danielle Freed

Nate and Julie Lamb

Jason and Liz Ewer

Brian and Shannon Bradford

Bryan and Andi Purvis

Thanks everyone for an absolutely fun and enjoyable birthday celebration.