Most games I enjoy, but I have never liked the waiting game. I want to know now what I will be doing ten years from now. But it is funny how God rarely seems to work that way. In fact, he seems to tell us information mostly on a need to know basis. He says turn, and the exit is upon us as we jerk the wheel to the right in order to make the off ramp. God gives us enough bread for today.
In case you don't know, I am (we are) in the market for a job. I finish up with the residency part of my doctorate program on May 31, 2009, and I have no clue where we will end up on June 1. Part of the unknown is fun and exciting, but not as much as it used to be now that I have two other ladies in my life to provide for...and reality really sets in when you look at the little lady in your life and realize she is totally dependent upon Mom and myself for her sustenance. Scary thought for this relatively new Dad. So here are the action steps I have taken thus far.
1. Pray - is there really anything better we could be doing?
2. Network - I am connecting up with anyone and everyone who can help keep their eyes peeled for me.
3. Web Surf - I find myself on denominational websites quite often these days looking for openings.
Here is the funny part of this process. Every job I have ever received in my life has been because someone knew me and referred my name to the powers that be. I hope that occurs again, but you never know. So I find myself reworking the resume and writing a cover letter praying a great opportunity comes along.
What type of job am I looking for now? Lead pastor, campus pastor, etc. I am really open to whatever God has for me/us. I just want to be obedient to His voice, wherever and whenever He calls.
So if you have any more steps for me, please let me know. Also, keep your eyes peeled for me. I just know there is a ministry, school, etc. out there who can use my gifts and abilities...I must just wait for God to open that door. So we are back to where we started...playing that waiting game again! :)