Wednesday, November 02, 2005

First timer

This is my first blog ever! It is all Nate Kingsbury's fault for getting me into this...Kinda cool though and can't wait to see what happens here. Neat to think you can just post your thoughts on the web like this for others to see and read. Look forward to making this happen.


Nate said...


Glad you are doing thing that I love about you doing this is because you are so smart, but yet know how to break things down in your words that seem simple. I learn from you everyday bro - looking forward to commenting on your blog. Later.


D&K said...

Keep your pants on.

Wags said...

dude, looking forward to your posts. -eric

Anonymous said...


It is good to see that you have finally made it to the blog world! It was good to see you in Grand Rapids, and well if you see my over weight friend Cole, you let him know I said HEY! ha ha


Unknown said...

hey man...welcome to the club!!

Doug Witte said...

So is there were I learn to become silky smooth like Brian Bradford? Watch out for those demons, my friend.

Summers said...

No Way!!! You officially did now are a blogger (Great job Nate).

Looking forward to future posts,

Love ya'!

the lambs said...

I'm surprised your blog name isn't Southern Comfort! Congrats on the wedding. December is a great month to get married!


aimee marie said...

BRIAN BRADFORD!?!?! i think i used to know you.....back in the day. :-) Welcome to the blog world friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay Hunny! I don't even have a blog! You are so technological! Let's see how much you keep this thing updated! I love you!

Jason Fry said...

hey brian...i'm lookin forward to seein whatcha got up your sleeve! j fry...out.

David Drury said...

Sweet. I'll be lurking around to see what you've got to say that you won't come down to my office and say.

Kevin Stinehart said...

Hey Brian! Nice to see you on the web.