- Do I lay it all on the line for my relationship with Christ to grow? I think of the Beattitudes and how Christ said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst..." Spiritual hunger is something I rarely hear a sermon preached on. Why is that? It is a topic I rarely hear others, and myself, talk about. Why is that? When it comes to spiritual growth, I know I give in too easy. If I am tired, I go to bed instead of going to the Word. If the time with God will take too long, I frequently will not do it.
- Do I go for it on fourth down with my ministry? Do I try to reach others for Christ and and help my students grow and develop their spiritual hunger? How many creative, incarnational ideas am I developing and launching? Do I truly and honestly critique my own ministry for strengths and weaknesses?
- What would life look like for me if I followed through and began to work on the questions in numbers 1 and 2 above? I feel as though my marriage might be different, my ministry, and my personal spiritual life.
May I be one who always goes for 1st down, even when it is fourth and inches.