Sunday, October 07, 2007

Risking it All

After watching my LSU Tigers defeat the the Florida Gators tonight, I realized again how no great feat is accomplished without great risk! LSU was 5 for 5 on fourth down attempts in the game, scoring touchdowns on two of those attempts. Sometimes you just gotta go for it! You have to lay it all on the line, for hopes of your desired outcome. So, more than answers, this raised some significant questions for me.
  1. Do I lay it all on the line for my relationship with Christ to grow? I think of the Beattitudes and how Christ said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst..." Spiritual hunger is something I rarely hear a sermon preached on. Why is that? It is a topic I rarely hear others, and myself, talk about. Why is that? When it comes to spiritual growth, I know I give in too easy. If I am tired, I go to bed instead of going to the Word. If the time with God will take too long, I frequently will not do it.
  2. Do I go for it on fourth down with my ministry? Do I try to reach others for Christ and and help my students grow and develop their spiritual hunger? How many creative, incarnational ideas am I developing and launching? Do I truly and honestly critique my own ministry for strengths and weaknesses?
  3. What would life look like for me if I followed through and began to work on the questions in numbers 1 and 2 above? I feel as though my marriage might be different, my ministry, and my personal spiritual life.

May I be one who always goes for 1st down, even when it is fourth and inches.


David Drury said...

good thoughts, bro.

Shannon said...

Great thoughts hunny! I think we should always pray for that thirst and hunger- and I think you have gone for it a lot in ministry!